Here’s what we do at the farm

Broilers are considered meat chickens. They are quicker growing breeds with deeper muscle tissue. Broilers eat a lot of food and would not lay many eggs so they are not kept as egg layers.
Chicks are really quite easy to raise. They will perform equally well under artificial or natural brooding and rearing, providing they are precocial; that is, able to walk and feed themselves within hours of hatching, as baby chickens are.

All chickens will lay eggs but layers lay many more than others. Layers are usually smaller and so they aren’t great for meat. Once layers become sexually mature, they go through a hormone change that makes their meat tougher. Therefore layers don’t make great meat chickens.
Eggs are one of the most versatile foods in the world. They contain a very high level of nutrient content. Eggs are consumed either by boiling or frying. Apart from being edible, eggs make hair grows faster and helps it stay healthy.

The broiler industry has grown due to consumer demand for affordable poultry meat and a good source of protein. Broilers are butchered before sexual maturity and so they never lay eggs (although they would lay a few if allowed to become sexually mature).